“Green Horizon” Graz Airport, Austria
“A Deep Breath” Artrmx Gallery, Cologne, Germany. (Part of the long night of the museums)
“Nature At It’s Best” Galerie Straihammer & Seidenschwann Vienna.
‘Mutated Landscapes’, Trinity Art Gallery.
‘Garten Eden’, Percholdsdorf, Austria.
‘Still Time’, Gallery 54, London. Recent Paintings
Sechsschimmel Galerie, Vienna
‘Kunst Quickie’, Hernals, Vienna. Recent Wienerwald Paintings
‘Evolving Moments’, Gallery 54, London. Recent working drawings and paintings
‘Paintings’, Gallery 8, 8 Duke Street, London. Austrian, Italian and London Paintings
Paintings, Gallery 27, Cork Street, London.
‘Un Giorno Ancora’ Menier Gallery, London. Rome paintings and drawings
‘Il Tempo Rivelato’, Archaeological Museum Mondragone, Italy. Rome paintings in the context of arefacts in the museum
Circled Seasons, Menier Gallery, London. London woodland and tower block paintings
Vienna Art Week 2015/16
Private Residence Barbican 2013
London and Londoners. The Mayor’s Office, City Hall, London, 2010
Trinity Buoy Wharf Open Studio 2005/6